Feature: Generate QR Codes

Author: Alex Catalano

Date: Satuday, December 21, 2024

Creating QR Codes on Apple Devices

Alex Catalano QR Code for https://alexcatalano.com This is a QR Code for https://alexcatalano.com/2024/12-15/daily-photo.html

πŸ“± πŸ’» You can make your own QR codes with Apple devices via a program called "Generate QR Codes."

## Generate QR Codes is launched from within a program called "Shortcuts."

Spoltlight Search searching for Shortcuts Searching for "shortcuts" with "Spotlight Seach."

Spotlight Search is launched on a mac computer by simultaneously pressing the keyboard's command key and space bar.

## Shortcuts Interface

Apple's shortcuts interface Apple's shortcut interface.

πŸ“± Shortcut's Generate QR Code iPhone interface

Shortcut's Generate QR Code interface Shortcut's Generate QR Code iPhone interface

a. Type the URL in the blue-tinted text box. (This wasn't obvious to me).

b. Hit the ▢️ triangle play button to generate the qr code.

πŸ’» Shortcut's Generate QR Code Desktop interface

Generate QR Code Desktop interface

a. Repeat the same steps as above.

b. Hit the πŸ‘οΈ eye button to launch a popup of the qr code.

From the popup, I "Opened with Preview" where exporting and saving as a png was my preference!

I saw Shortcuts had another program that interested me: