Blog: Daily Photos

Author: Alex Catalano

Date: Friday, December 6, 2024

Office plant 🌱 Runners in the stadium Surprised Pikachu Momma and Okie Momma and Okie Plumbing issues Berries

🗂️ Image Selection with Adobe Bridge

Image thumbnails of berries Image thumbnails of berries

I use an Adobe application called "Bridge." It’s similar to Finder on Mac or Explorer on Windows (Linux users, I’m not sure what the equivalent is!).

Bridge is free, and I love it because it lets me review and rate my images efficiently.

The "carousel" feature is one of my favorites. It lets me quickly decide if an image is a "yes" or "no" based on whether it has any obvious flaws—at least for this stage of the selection process.

After exiting the carousel, I’m left with a refined selection of images. Bridge offers both a 1-to-5 star rating system and a color-coding system (red, yellow, green, blue). I stick to the color labels for simplicity.

"Best" is always relative, but I can’t know what’s best until I’ve sorted everything through the carousel first.

Dad. Plant leaf 🌿 Teddy being cool. Carolina got me a dutch oven to make sourdough with the new oven ❤️🍞❤️.


Pikachu warming up on a butterfly in someone's hand.
I love isometric design.